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One of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica located on the Nicoya Peninsula.
Playa Carillo is a beautiful beach with white sand, palm trees and clear waters in the town of Bahia Carrillo. Nice place to relax and watch birds. You can observe sea birds and many other species of northern Costa Rica.
Playa Carillo is located directly west of the small village Bahia Carillo. Parking is easy. Since there is no development, you can park right along the road (Route 160) and be steps from the sand. The main road runs along the beach. It has a grassy median in the middle where people park cars as well.
If you drive just past the beach and up the hill, there is a nice mirador/lookout (Mirador Puerto Carrillo). From the small parking area, it’s just a quick walk up some concrete steps to get a lovely view of Playa Carrillo and the bay from above.
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