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Beautiful nature conservation area with a variety of trails through the cloud forest only 30 minutes from Bogota.
Parque Natural Chicaque covers 300 hectares of cloud forest, between 2,000 and 2,700 m, with a climate similar to that of Bogotá, but foggier. A private reserve, territory of the spectacled bear, the sloth, monkeys, the armadillo. 20 km of trails allow you to discover this Andean ecosystem. More than 500 bird species have been recorded there! During this route you will be able to observe Lesser Violetear, Blackish Tapaculo, Montane Foliage-gleaner, Common Chlorospingus, Blackburnian Warbler, Beryl-spangled Tanager, Black-eared Hemispingus, Three-striped Warbler, Russet-crowned Warbler, Slate-throated Redstart, Black-capped Tanager, Blue-necked Tanager, Collared Inca, Plain Antvireo, Green-and-black Fruiteater and many more.
Parque Natural Chicaque is located in the mountains directly west of Bogota. Access is by car. From Bogota the journey takes about 30 minutes. It is possible to do the trail only on foot. Possibility of sleeping and eating on site (more info on accommodation on the Chicaque website, see the link below). Entrance fee is about $ 5 (2024).
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