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Stony steppe grasslands on the Black Sea coast, with scatterd bushes and small woodlands around. Good place to see tjockfot and other steppe birds.
Sveti Nikola Steppe is an open place with easy access, especially when following the cart trucks. The steppe area allows good observations of tjockfot, korttålärka, kalanderlärka, fältpiplärka, svartpannad törnskata, Härfågel and other birds. During migration period, in spite of the dry character of the site, even kornknarr use the shade of the bushes for shelter during the day. On the sea cliffs nearby örnvråk breeds. aftonfalk is another bird migrating through the area.
From the village of Sveti Nikola follow the road to South-East towards Russalka Resort and you will arrive at the place. It is possible to park near the road and to explore the area walking.
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