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Open valley with the shallowest part of small reservoir, with oak forest on the slope. Good place to see balkanmes, rostand and migrating raptors.
The area is a mosaic of shallow wetland, agriculture lands, natural oak forest, sandy banks and grasslands. The forest can produce balkanmes, trädgårdsträdkrypare, Gröngöling, mellanspett, mindre hackspett and större hackspett, while balkanspett is possible in the near village of Poroy. The shallowest part of Poroy Reservoir is the place of occurence of rostand, and during migration periods - of various waders. biätare breeds in the area, Härfågel can be seen, too. The site is situated on one of the flyways with intensive migration (especially in autumn) of storks, pelicans and birds of prey.
Follow the Road 90622 towards Poroy Village and about 1,5 km before the village you will be near an oak forest. Here you can park the car and explore the woodland walking. Then you can continue and do some birding in the village itself. Later get to the easternmost part of the village, follow the cart truck towards the open valley to the North-East and you will arrive at the shallowest part of Poroy Resrvoir. You can leave the car near the truck and explore the site on foot.
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