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A beautiful gorge with rich biodiversity. A colony of gåsgam can be seen and many other birds.
Kresna Gorge, is situated in south-east Bulgaria along the Struma river. The 17 km long gorge is designated as Special Area of Conservation site under EU Habitats Directives and included in the Bulgarian Natura 2000 list. The gorge is located on the border between the continental and Mediterranean climatic zones, which is the reason for the rich biodiversity. The region of Kresna supports 147 bird species. A colony of gåsgam can be seen, but also birds like kungsörn, Bivråk, ormörn, blåtrast, Pilgrimsfalk, klippsvala, rödstrupig sångare and mästersångare.
Kresna Gorge, is situated in south-east Bulgaria along the Struma river. A main road passes through the gorge and is therefore easy to reach on the way to Greecе or north to Sofia. The road is busy, but there are plenty of parking spots along the road. Also there are some wide verges where you can park. Always be carefull when parking and crossing the road, as there is a lot of traffic on the road. Click on a P in the map for directions to a parking spot.
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