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The Marionville reserve covers around 70 ha in the Haine valley, which is now channeled. The result is a wetland of great ornithological interest.
The northern part of the site is occupied by a dozen small shallow bodies of water. In the center, the land collapsed following the underground exploitation of coal, allowing the establishment of a vast body of water of about ten hectares. During the nesting period, many ducks and aquatic birds can be observed.
In the fall, various shorebirds stop on the mudflats. On both sides extend reed beds more or less invaded by willows. Many birds visit these environments. To the east, the Marionville reserve stretches across an old railway line bordered by willow and hawthorn bushes. It is the paradise of the small birds.
Access: parking provided by the City of Saint-Ghislain in Tertre, along rue Olivier Lhoir, between rue des Marionville and the level crossing.
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