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Medieval ponds in a forested valley as a green oasis in a residential area.
The Gevaert Vijvers are ponds that were created along the Molenbeek in the Middle Ages by the monastry for fish production. Nowadays most ponds are in private ownership and fenced but one can still enjoy some birding from the public footpath (Visserspad) that follows the stream. The ponds attract some waterfowl such as Kricka, vigg and snatterand. In recent years, Storskarv and ägretthäger have become a more common sight. During migration, and especially when water levels are low, the muddy shores attract some passing waders such as drillsnäppa, skogssnäppa and gluttsnäppa. Interesting breeding birds are: kungsfiskare, forsärla and stenknäck.
The area is best accessed from the railway station of Sint Genesius Rode. From there it is a 2 minutes walk until the start of the Visserspad that runs along all the ponds.
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