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The Gentbrugse Meersen is a nature park squeezed between the city centre of Ghent and the Scheldt river.
As it is close to the city centre of Ghent this nature park is mainly focused on recreation, pic-nics and other family activities. Nevertheless during migration periodes the wetland area attracts alot of wader birds like mindre strandpipare , gluttsnäppa , grönbena , rödspov , brushane , skärfläcka , mosnäppa , skedstork. It is one of the best places in the region to see årta and other duck species like stjärtand or brunand. There is an artificial hill which is ideal for migration counts and an overview of the best birding spot in this nature park. In the grasslands adjacent to this hill you can spot birds like buskskvätta , svarthakad buskskvätta , minervauggla , stenskvätta , gräshoppsångare , steglits.
There are no parking spaces really close to this nature park, the main parking spot is find at the sports hall of Gentbrugge (Driebeekstraat). There are a few parking spaces a bit closer in the Boer Janssensstraat.
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