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A wetland near the river Scheldt with a fine stretch of different biotopes provides a nice range of birds.
The Putten nature reserve has an industrial past, because the area was used for the extraction of land for the production of bricks. It has now become a nature reserver that has grown into a mosaic of 16 hectare of moist hay meadows, lakes, swamps and groves. From the old poplar forests there are still a few plots for mindre hackspett. A short walk over an ancient dike gives good views over marshland and bushes.
Birds you can encounter here are blåhake, vattenrall, cettisångare, rörsångare, kärrsångare and sävsångare, and also Sävsparv and gräshoppsångare. In other words, De Putten is good to get to know songbirds of wetlands in the period around May.
You can park your car near the small shelter in Langeweide, Merelbeke. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
Please stay on the foot paths on the dike in order not to disturb wildlife in the reserve!
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