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The diverse meadow area in the northernmost part of the Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel offers ornithological and botanical higlights.
The Zitzmannsdorfer Wiesen were declared Burgenland’s first strict nature reserve in 1962. The ecological value of this largest connected area of lowland meadows in Burgenland was recognised early on. Apart from the four classic meadow-breeding waders – tofsvipa, rödspov, storspov, and rödbena – the area is known for the occurrence of ängshök and jorduggla - breeding irregularly. Other species such as rördrom, blåhake, gräshoppsångare, höksångare, törnskata, and kornsparv can almost always be detected here.
Bicycles are only allowed on the western track (along the lake dune). Carry enough to eat and drink with you - there is not much shade. There is one observation tower on the lake dune and one along the track running centrally through the area. You can park your car in Weiden am See or in Podersdorf am See - driving with the car in the area is prohibitet. Please note also that not all ways are allowed to enter - there are sign showing you the way. The route you see on the map below is about 12 km.
The two towns Weiden am See and Podersdorf am See are connected by a bike path (approx. 7 km long), running along the western edge of the meadows, on the lake dune. This partially raised and largely unpaved track offers a great overview of the area’s astonishing expanse, and good opportunities to observe species of the lakeshore zone.
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