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This route offers different habitats ranging from land to open water. Birds of forests, agricultural landscape, lakeshore, reed belt and open lake can be found.
The starting point is the parking area at the “Illmitzer Seewäldchen”. Following the sandy trail to the north, the voices of sommargylling, Härfågel , göktyta, härmsångare, and grå flugsnappare can be heard at the forest edge in spring. Härfågel, hämpling, and steglits are regulars. A quick look with a spotting scope towards the opening under the gable of the prominent stable reveals whether (and how many) Tornuggla are present.
At the birdwatching hide "Südliche Seekoppel", with the view in the reedbelt of Lake Neusiedl various waterbirds can be observed. Breeding species like: skedstork, dvärgskarv, Storskarv, grågås, brun kärrhök, skäggdopping, Silkeshäger, ägretthäger, mindre sumphöna or migrants like bläsand, större strandpipare, skogssnäppa, grönbena, can be regularly seen.
On the way to the Seebad (the lakefront resort) in spring, birdwatchers familiar with the voices of reed passerines will be able to hear all of the species breeding here: rörsångare , sävsångare, trastsångare, kaveldunsångare and vassångare, as well as skäggmes, pungmes and Sävsparv. Smådopping, rörhöna, brunand, mindre sumphöna and skäggdopping can be seen swimming in the pools of open water within the reed belt, as can – with a little luck – the occasional vitögd dykand.
In "Seebad" itself has become known for two primary reasons. First, periods of bad weather between April and mid-May can force large numbers of migrating passerines to seek refuge in the few available trees, bushes, and meadows. Second, this part of the shore of Lake Neusiedl is the best place in all of Austria to see skuas (mainly fjällabb and bredstjärtad labb). A few specimen of this rather rare bird family (at least for inland birdwatching) are discovered here every year between mid-August and mid-October. The harbour inlet for ferries is a good place to get quite close-range photos of some of the more common gulls.
The street "Seestraße" is accessable by car. The hide "Südliche Seekoppel" (former "Warmblutpferdekoppel") is accessable by foot or bicycle.
There is one birdwatching hide existing along the "Seestraße". This hide can be exclusively used by official Nationalpark exkursions and is closed for public use. The "Seebad" is an official public swimming area and therefore a great spot to enjoy the warm water of Lake Neusiedl.
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