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Deciduous woodland on the banks of the river Danube. The area is home to a wide variety of woodland and wetland birds, with a small heronry.
The Petronell Carnuntum Danube bank area is the newest part of the Donau-Auen National Park, which covers the Danube and the surrounding habitat from Vienna eastwards towards Bratislava. A good variety of woodland species can be seen in the woods, such as spillkråka, mindre hackspett, stenknäck and entita. The river habitat holds breeding skogssnäppa, gråhäger, knölsvan and kungsfiskare and both röd glada and Brun glada can be found.
You can park at the north of the town of Petronell Carnuntum. Click on the P in the map for directions. You can also travel there by bus from the town centre or by train from Vienna. A circular trail is possible by walking to Bad-Deutsch Altenberg, but this is quite long. Do not attempt to visit the riverside at high water levels, as the paths can flood.
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