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This abandoned stone quarry with its large limestone cliffs is a beautiful place to observe different forest birds as well as murkrypare and berguv.
Starting from the parking lot indicated in the map a forest road leads to the bottom of the quarry. Along the road you can spot different forest birds including tofsmes. On the right-hand side a little trail leads to a plateau and to walkable boulders in the east of the quarry. Both provide a good view over the whole area. In the forests Mindre korsnäbb has been seen every now and then.
The forest road ends by a little field in front of the cliffs. To the right there runs a trail ending in a little pit. Here you can spot stjärtmes amongst other different forest species. Towards the cliffs you can find a steep field giving you a good location for observing species by the rocks like berguv and korp. In winter you can also observe murkrypare. Keep an eye on the trees at the cliff edges as well, because ormvråk or Pilgrimsfalk has been seen here also.
The whole area can be explored by foot or by bike. Cars can be parked at the parking lot or in front of the road gate.
The optimal time to observe murkrypare is in Winter, especially January.
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