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A spectacular fig tree surrounded by rainforest. It's dawn chorus is amazing and its easily accessible and a short walk.
The diversity around Cathedral Fig Tree is great with a lot of the Wet Tropics endemics able to be seen here including Victoria's Riflebird, Bridled Honeyeater and Bower's Shrikethrush. While short its jam packed so you can still spend a bit of time here enjoying the birds or taking photos. Looking across the road can get you some more common species typical of agricultural landscapes including Chestnut-breasted Mannikin and Red-backed Fairywren.
Leaving Yungaburra in the direction of Cairns take State Route 52 the Gillies Highway for approx 12km then turn left onto Boar Pocket Rd. Follow this until you see signs for the Cathedral Fig Tree. There is a gravel carpark and access while mostly flat and accessible is not paved so pay attention if planning to use a wheelchair. The walk itself is short and under the canopy so shaded. 300m, Grade 2 walking track. There are no facilities here.
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