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City park located in the floodplain of the river Agstev.
Dilijan City Park is situated between deciduous forest and the artificial riverbed of the Agstev river. Inside the park conifers, deciduous trees, bushes and lawns alternate. There is also a small pond inside the park.
You can find forest species like koltrast, gärdsmyg, trädkrypare, tits and woodpeckers all year round. Conifere trees are a good place for wintering kungsfågel. Non-freezing river attracts strömstare in winter and kungsfiskare, forsärla and cettisångare in summer.
In spring and summer flycatchers nest here, like balkanflugsnappare or mindre flugsnappare. During spring and autumn migration you can observe flocks of gråhäger and encounter uncommon species like Smådopping, Kohäger and even större flamingo.
Dilijan city park is close to Dilijan bus station where you can get by bus or shuttle from Yerevan. Public free parking is situated along Emma Tsturyan street. Press P on the map for directions to a parking. The park is not very big, so it's best to explore it by foot. You can also rent a bike at the Tourist Information Center near the park pond. Whole circular route with thorough birding takes about 1-2 hours.
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