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A small woodland that is a nature reserve.
Quedgeley Nature Reserve comprises a wooded area with Oaks, Sycamore and an understorey of Box and Elder as well as a pond. Adjacent to this is a more open area with grassland, shrubs and trees including Horse Chestnut, Lime, and some specimens of Cedar and Yew. There is an Arboretum too with English and Holm Oak, Elm, Lime and Hornbeam plus associated ground flora and a large area of Butcher’s Broom. Nice area with mostly common birds such as červienka obyčajná, vrchárka modrá, drozd čierny, drozd plavý, oriešok obyčajný and kolibiarik čipčavý.
Quedgeley Nature Reserve is located on Curtis Hayward Drive in Quedgeley. Click on the P in the map for directions. When visiting it needs to be respected because it is an important place for wildlife.
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