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A valley in the Peak District of Derbyshire near the village of Grindleford. Great place for species like muchárik čiernohlavý.
Padley Gorge is a deep but narrow valley in the Peak District of Derbyshire near the village of Grindleford running through the Longshaw estate (National trust). It is a popular picnic and walking area and a great spot for finding muchárik čiernohlavý, muchár sivý, žltochvost hôrny, kolibiarik sykavý, kôrovník dlhoprstý, vodnár potočný and brhlík obyčajný.
By car, drive towards Grindleford on the B6521 and park in the layby near the icecream van (Sheffield S11 7TZ).
There's over 100 nest boxes around this location which have the openings corked until the arrival of the muchárik čiernohlavý. This is a major breeding site for this species and several other species.
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