

Gotland  >  Sweden

Sandarviken is a shallow bay north of Faludden. The surroundings consist of large costal meadows, with bushy areas and more forested areas, and a lagoon.

Added* by Ludwig Gustafsson
Most recent update 16 júl 2022
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At Sandarviken 223 bird species have been recorded. 35 species of wading birds have been recorded.

Sandarviken holds thousands of wintering chochlačka morská but turpan tmavý, turpan čierny, kajka morská and diving ducks also winter in smaller numbers. Other waterfowl like kačica hvizdárka, kačica lyžičiarka kačica chrapka, kazarka pestrá and kačica chripľavka also winter in the area. Sandarviken holds wintering potápka chochlatá, potápka červenokrká, and potápka ušatá.bernikľa bielolíca also winter as do a few wading birds in winter. močiarnička tichá is sometimes found. Wintering birds of prey are often found in the area. Some of the common ones are kaňa sivá, myšiak hôrny, orliak morský, and orol skalný.

During migration period the bay often holds large amounts of waders. Most numerous is the pobrežník čiernozobý which sometimes number in the thousands. brehár čiernochvostý, močiarnica mekotavá, lastúrničiar strakatý, hvizdák veľký, kalužiak červenonohý, pobrežník čiernozobý, šabliarka modronohá, and kulík piesočný all breed somewhat regularly. Other wading birds often found are:kamenár strakatý, kulík bledý, brehár hrdzavý, pobrežník belavý, pobrežník sivý, and pobrežník malý. Rarer wading birds like brehárik ploskozobý, lyskonoh úzkozobý, močiarnička tichá and močiarnica tichá are sometimes found. Many vagrant wading birds have also been found.

In the lagoon kačica chripľavka, kačica lyžičiarka, kačica chrapačka and many other dabbling ducks often Feed. potáplica malá and potáplica stredná often rest at Sandarviken year round. Large amounts of geese use the coastal meadows as resting and feeding ground during their migration. bernikľa bielolíca and hus divá can sometimes be found in the thousands. hus krátkozobá and bernikľa červenokrká has been seen.



Parking can be done at Unghanseskär and at Haubjägar bodar.

Terrain and Habitat

Scattered trees and bushes , Forest , Wetland , Grassland , Sea , Dunes , Beach , Agriculture , Mud flats , Reedbeds


Flat , Hilly , Sandy , Wet

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?


Good birding season

All year round

Best time to visit

Spring , Autumn , Summer , Winter


Unpaved road , Wide path , Narrow trail

Difficulty walking trail

Average walk

Accessible by


Birdwatching hide / platform


Extra info

The southern areas of Sandarviken is a bird protection area from 15 march - 30 june and from 1 Oktober - 15 november.

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