
Wysokie Hill

Podkarpackie Voivodeship (Województwo Podkarpackie)  >  Poland

Highest barren-top hill in the area, close to Długie, Nowosielce and Pielnia villages. Good point for long-distance observations, especially during migration.

Added* by Hoid
Most recent update 16 december 2024


Wysokie Hill is easy-to-see, it is the highest point in the area. Barren at the top, covered mostly by meadows from SW and NE, by larch forest culture from SE and mixed shrubbery with trees from NW.

The meadows are nesting places of škovránok poľný and strnádka obyčajná. Larch forest edges have great concentrations of singing kolibiarik spevavý and ľabtuška hôrna. Shrubbery from NW is home to hrdlička poľná, penica jarabá, penica obyčajná, penica popolavá and vrchárka modrá. Sometimes the area gets visited by ďateľ bielochrbtý.

Many birds of prey can be seen regularly hunting in areas below: orol krikľavý, ​​​ kaňa močiarna, kaňa popolavá, jastrab krahulec, myšiak hôrny, sokol myšiar (pustovka) and during winter also kaňa sivá and myšiak severský.

There is a chance to see some other species during migration, i.e.: Včelár lesný, sokol kobcovitý and sokol sťahovavý.

Other common species: kukučka obyčajná, bocian biely, ďateľ veľký, strakoš obyčajný, strakoš veľký, sojka obyčajná, krkavec čierny, sýkorka uhliarka, sýkorka hôrna, sýkorka čiernohlavá , svrčiak zelenkavý, lastovička obyčajná, mlynárka dlhochvostá, penica čiernohlavá, králik zlatohlavý, kôrovník dlhoprstý, drozd čvíkota, pŕhľaviar červenkastý, pŕhľaviar čiernohlavý, glezg obyčajný, stehlík konôpka, stehlík obyčajný.



Accessible from Nowosielce and Pielnia villages - by foot/bike/car/etc. Public transport to these villages limited to buses from Sanok or Krosno. Best to explore by foot, eventually by bike or 4x4 vehicle (not advised and may be problematic). Best to leave larger vehicles somewhere in a village and enjoy the trail by-foot. Field roads are rather dry and don't require rain boots.

Terrain and Habitat

Scattered trees and bushes , Forest , Grassland , Plateau , Valley , Plain , Agriculture


Hilly , Dry , Open landscape , Dusty

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

All year round

Best time to visit

Spring migration , Autumn migration , Summer , Spring


Unpaved road , Wide path , Narrow trail

Difficulty walking trail

Average walk

Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle

Birdwatching hide / platform


Extra info

There aren't really any species here that'd require audio stimulation to show up. Please, avoid doing so. Different birds of prey can be seen during different parts of the day (usually smaller species in the morning and afternoon, larger show up when air is warm enough to soar).​​​​​​

Hazards: ticks, deep snow (winter). Keep in mind presence of other people (hunters, off-road enthusiasts, deltatrike/plane enthusiasts, wanderers), especially during weekends it can get quite busy.

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