Rate birdingplace Kardzhali Heronry
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Urban colony of beluša malá, chavkoš nočný, kormorán malý and other birds within the town of Kardzhali with very easy birding possibilities.
The colony is situated in the river bed of Arda next to one of the biggest bridges in the town of Kardzhali. Nests can be seen from the bridge with no disturbance for the birds. In some years ibisovec hnedý has been recorded. bučiačik močiarny breeds there in good numbers and can be easily seen flying below the observers. Numbers of passerine species including trsteniarik malý, trsteniarik bahenný and trsteniarik veľký, kúdeľníčka lužná and other also occur there. dážďovník plavý can be observed around the buildings next to the bridge.
You can park the car around the Arpezos Hotel to the East of the bridge with the colony and walk to the bridge.
You can have more detailed infromation from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds - BirdLife Bulgaria Vulture Centre in Madzharovo.
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