Rate birdingplace Syri i Sheganit
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Beautiful karstic spring of intense blue color located near the eastern edge of Lake Shkodra. The water and green surroundings attract many birds.
Syri i Sheganit is a large karstic spring located near Kosan village. The photogenic spring emerges from the cracks of limestone rocks through a karstic chimney with a depth of about 30 meters. The water from the spring is pure and cold as if it flows from the Western Albanian Alps. The nearby Lake Shkodra, several small ponds and the green surroundings attract a multitude of birds. Among the birds you can encounter are kačica chrapačka, potápka malá, šišila bocianovítá, kormorán malý, pelikán kučeravý, beluša malá, čaplička vlasatá and hltavka chochlatá.
Syri i Sheganit is located 30 km north of the town of Shkodra. Follow the Shkodra-Koplik-Ivanaj-Gashaj-Shegan itinerary and park at the Syri i Sheganit restaurant. Click on the P in the map to get directions. From the parking you can explore the area on foot. The restaurant offers boat tours on Lake Shkodra.