Rate birdingplace Latorica Valley near Chop
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The valley of the river Latorica near Chop is the biggest wetland in the region and rich in birds.
A stretch of the Latorica river valley, near the villages of Velika Dobron and Geevci (near the town of Chop). Habitats are dominated by grasslands, which flood every year, and there are numerous lakes. An important site for foraging and roosting waterbirds during spring passage. Among the birds you can see here are Серый гусь, Гуменник, Белолобый гусь, Серощекая поганка. Черношейная поганка, Чёрный аист, Желна, Водяной пастушок and Коростель. And many more, see the birdlist below.
You can explore the area by following the route indicated on the map. The route passes over an earthen water protection dam (embankment).
the best time to visit is on a spring or autumn leash, which coincides with the migration of birds.