

Östergötland  >  Sweden

The waters around Stegeborg are shallow, with coastal meadows, reedbeds, field, and both decidous and pine forests.

Added* by Ludwig Gustafsson
Most recent update 23 сентября 2024


Stegeborg lies in the middle of the long bay of Slätbaken. In and around Stegeborg ca 180 bird species have been recorded. The strait at Stegeborg is ice-free almost all winters, if the temperture is not too cold the deeper parts around Stegeborg are also open. Large amounts of Хохлатая чернеть, Гоголь, Большой крохаль, Кряква and Лысуха winter in the aera. Numbering in the hundreds sometimes in the thousands. Along with these smaller amounts of less common wintering birds like Луток, Морская чернеть, Серая утка, Чирок-свистунок, Чомга, Красноголовый нырок, Большой баклан, Серая цапля, Лебедь-кликун, Серый гусь and Канадская казарка. The area is home to wintering gulls. Many Орлан-белохвост also winter here. As do passerine birds like Серый сорокопут, Деряба, Рябинник, and Зарянка.

During spring migration many dabbling ducks (Чирок-свистунок, Свиязь, Серая утка, and Шилохвость), swans and geese can be found. Most common among geese are Серый гусь and Канадская казарка. Often in the hundreds. Often a few Белолобый гусь, Гуменник, and Восточный тундровый гусь. Hundreds of Лебедь-кликун use the fields during migraton. Hundreds of Хохлатая чернеть and Гоголь can also be found. Обыкновенная гага can also be observed during migration. Quite a few birds of prey can be seen. Some of the more common are Болотный лунь, Канюк, Скопа and Тетеревятник. Sometimes Горихвостка-чернушка can be found. Красношейная поганка and Чернозобая гагара often stay on the waters.

Обыкновенный жулан, Обыкновенная чечевица, Лесной жаворонок, Серая мухоловка, Мухоловка-пеструшка and Полевой жаворонок all breed on the fields and forests. In the reedbeds Камышевка-барсучок, Тростниковая овсянка, and Тростниковая камышевка breed. While Дроздовидная камышевка and Болотная камышевка are sometimes heard. Белощекая казарка, Большой баклан, Чомга and Серая утка breed. Клуша and Обыкновенный осоед can sometimes be seen. During autumn large flocks of diving ducks, and some passerine birds can often be found.



Parking can bee done at Stegborgs castle ruins, at Norrkrog (the port on the other side of Slätbaken to Stegborg). Parking can also be done at Yxeltorpaviken, and at Fläskfjärden. Click on a P in the map to get directions to a parking spot.

Terrain and Habitat

Forest , Scattered trees and bushes , Wetland , Plain , Mountain , Valley , Sea , Reedbeds , Mud flats , Agriculture


Hilly , Mountainous , Wet

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

All year round

Best time to visit

Spring migration , Spring , Autumn migration


Paved road , Narrow trail , Wide path

Difficulty walking trail

Average walk

Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle , Car

Birdwatching hide / platform


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