
Norsholm Area

Östergötland  >  Sweden

Bird rich ponds next to inland coastal meadows make for a bird rich combination.

Added* by Ludwig Gustafsson
Most recent update 15 сентября 2024
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The Norsholm area is quite vast and contains many minor sites shortly described here. The areas mentioned are marked with a star on the map. Press on a star and you can see the name of the area.

Grensholmsbron: Winter site with open waters even during harsh winters. Thousands of Хохлатая чернеть (at most 2000), hundreds of Луток (only numerous during november and december), Гоголь (at most 700), Кряква (at most 600), and Большой крохаль (at most 600). Among more rarer wintering birds it is most known for wintering Беркут, and Обыкновенный зимородок. Other not yearly winter visitors are Белокрылый клёст, Щур during invasions, and Малая поганка, Серая утка, Горная чечётка, Шилохвость, Длинноносый крохаль, and Пепельная чечётка during birdrich winters.

Norsholms coastal meadows: Reed free coastal meadows which are rich in waders during late spring and autumn. Although only if the water level is right (only during high water). Few arctic waders are found but Черныш, Малый зуёк, Щёголь, Турухтан, Травник, Бекас, Вальдшнеп, Фифи and Большой улит. Травник, Чибис, and Бекас breed. Большая белая цапля, Обыкновенный зимородок, and Длинноносый крохаль are common.

Åby strandängar: Reed coated coastal meadows which are flooded during spring floods. They are then usually filled with early waders and ducks. Большая выпь can be heard singing. All common dabbling ducks are usually found except Чирок-трескунок. Свиязь, Кряква, and Серая утка. On these coastal meadows Большая белая цапля is often found.

Braskens grav: is an oxbow lake of the river Motala ström which often floods making it perfect for waders and ducks. Чирок-свистунок is numerous, Щёголь, and other common tringa-waders are often found along with Гаршнеп. Большая белая цапля is often found here. Камышница, and Лысуха breed.

Åby gård: complex of 3 ponds, the large, the small and fiskaretorpet. It is these ponds and the field around them which Norsholm is most known for. It has a bird observation tower. During spring it holds large amounts of ducks and swans with Лебедь-шипун, Лебедь-кликун, Кряква, Свиязь, Серая утка, Чирок-свистунок, Широконоска, Хохлатая чернеть, Луток, and Большой крохаль being common and Чирок-трескунок and Шилохвость, being rarer. Other common wetland birds are Лысуха, Серый журавль, Серая цапля. Большой баклан often roost here. Rarer birds roosting are Малая поганка, Камышница, Большая выпь (nearby reed areas), and Большая белая цапля. There are small islands in the pond which hold a small tern and gull colony. Theese islands also hold small amounts of waders often; Большой кроншнеп, Травник, Чибис, Турухтан and Фифи. During early spring the area is great for roosting geese and swans with hundreds of Белолобый гусь, Серый гусь, Гуменник, Канадская казарка, and Белощекая казарка during good years. often along with smaller amounts of Американский лебедь (rare), Восточный тундровый гусь, Короткоклювый гуменник, and Чёрная казарка (rare).

Around these ponds Ушастая сова, Малая поганка, Камышница, Лебедь-кликун, Чомга, Канадская казарка, Серый гусь, Чирок-свистунок, Серый журавль, Чибис, Бекас, Лысуха, Озерная чайка, Морская чайка, Лебедь-шипун, Речная крачка, Обыкновенный фазан, Хохлатая чернеть, Кряква, Гоголь, and southern Жёлтая трясогузка breed along with more common birds.

During autumn large amounts of ducks can rest (but less than during spring). The small islands grow during dry summers and can some years hold arctic waders like Чернозобик, Краснозобик, and Белохвостый песочник. Варакушка, and Лапландский подорожник can sometimes be found on the surrounding fields.



The areas are located north, west and southwest of the town of Norsholm. There are many parking spaces available. Press a P on the map for directions to a parking.

Terrain and Habitat

Forest , Wetland , Plain , Beach , Mud flats , Pond , Lake , Valley , Grassland , Scattered trees and bushes , River , Reedbeds , Agriculture , Park , City/village


Hilly , High water possible , Wet

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

Spring , Autumn , Summer

Best time to visit

Spring migration , Autumn migration


Narrow trail , Wide path , Paved road , Unpaved road

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle , Car , Boat

Birdwatching hide / platform


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