Rate birdingplace Lunds Reningsverksdammar
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A number of purification dams on the outskirts of Lund. Good especially in wintertime for waterfowl .
Lunds Reningsverksdammar are a series of sewege ponds. A walk around the dams offers a good view of the ducks and other water birds there like Морская чернеть, Хохлатая чернеть, Луток, Чирок-свистунок, Широконоска, Большой крохаль and Малая поганка. Along the sides of the dams Горная трясогузка, Камышница and Обыкновенный зимородок sometimes can be seen. Some years Белоглазый нырок has been seen but also hybrids between Белоглазый нырок and Хохлатая чернеть. South of the ponds is the stream Höje å running, which is worth a closer inspection especially in migration times when passerines rest there.
The ponds are a 30 minutes long walk from the city center of Lund, but if you are going by bus take number 2 ( green bus) to Värpinge by, or 139 ( yellow bus) to Värpinge Trollesbacke. If going by car follow Trollebergsvägen to Värpinge, park at Höjeåvägen. The walk indicated on the map is about 3,5 km long.