
Albufeira de Santa Maria de Aguiar

Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo  >  Portugal

This place is the most important wetland for water birds in the northern interior of Portugal. Also a good spot to observe soaring birds and passerines.

Added* by Sandra Fernandes
Most recent update 13 июня 2022


Albufeira de Santa Maria de Aguiar is housed in a valley with gentle slopes, where the Aguiar river flows. This reservoir is one of the most important wetlands in the district of Guarda. The scarcity of other wetlands nearby makes this area an important refuge for water birds, especially for Чомга, with this reservoir having one of the most important population centers nationally. Of the water birds also stand out species like Широконоска, Кряква, Шилохвость, Серая утка, Чирок-свистунок, Красноголовый нырок, Малая поганка, Лысуха, Камышница, Ходулочник, Шилоклювка, Рыжая цапля, Каравайка and Колпица. On the banks of the reservoir and the streams that flow into it, the aquatic and riparian vegetation is occupied by Бекас, Погоныш, Волчок, Серая цапля, Южный соловей, Соловьиная широкохвостка, Обыкновенный сверчок, Дроздовидная камышевка, Тростниковая камышевка,Камышевка-барсучок and Обыкновенный зимородок.

As regards the surrounding area, the vegetation is dominated by farmland, pastures and small forest areas that allow the presence of landbirds. In the bushes and trees of the east bank it is possible to hear and, with luck, observe species such as Зелёный дятел, Большой пёстрый дятел, Малый пёстрый дятел, Сойка, Иволга, Красная куропатка, Перепел, Рыжегрудая славка. You can also observe species like Удод, Золотистая щурка, Чибис, Красноголовый сорокопут, Средиземноморский сорокопут, Сорока, Иберийская сорока and Короткоклювый хохлатый жаворонок on the banks of this reservoir. You should also prospect the skies, which are often crossed by large birds of prey, such as Скопа, Чернокрылый дымчатый коршун, Стервятник, Обыкновенный осоед, Black Vulture, Белоголовый сип, Змееяд, Орёл-карлик, Беркут, Болотный лунь, Луговой лунь, Перепелятник, Тетеревятник, Красный коршун, Чёрный коршун, Сапсан, Чеглок, Пустельга обыкновенная. In the skies you can also see several species of swallows: Деревенская ласточка, Рыжепоясничная ласточка, Скальная ласточка, Воронок, Береговушка; and swifts: Чёрный стриж, Белобрюхий стриж, Белопоясничный стриж.



You can park your car next to the dam wall and explore all the area on foot. You can explore the dam wall, the east bank of the reservoir and the surrounding areas. See the map bellow.

Terrain and Habitat

Forest , Scattered trees and bushes , Grassland , River , Lake , Mud flats , Steppe


Flat , Dry

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

All year round

Best time to visit

Autumn migration , Spring migration , Summer , Spring


Unpaved road , Wide path

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle

Birdwatching hide / platform


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