Rate birdingplace Stawy Rybne w Tylkówku
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An area of the fish ponds that, although fenced, allows you to see mainly waterfowl from the surrounding hilly pastures or from the forest.
On Stawy Rybne w Tylkówku you can make interesting observations of waterfowl, especially during spring and autumn migration. Among the birds you can see are Лебедь-кликун, Серый журавль, Скопа, Большая белая цапля, Гоголь, Широконоска, Водяной пастушок, Большой улит, Щёголь, Чёрная крачка, Чёрный аист, Большая выпь, Болотный лунь and Орлан-белохвост.
The car should be left on the dirt road near the town of Tylkówko.
It is not possible to enter the ponds, so observations are only possible from the surrounding forest or pastures owned by local farmers. It is worth asking about the possibility of entering when you meet the owner. Building a hideout is not welcomed by landowners. During the breeding season, hunting Скопа are quite frequent.