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The banks of the 6th-longest river of Poland in Sanok are home to many species of birds. They're especially known for diverse wintering birds communities.
The San is one of the lesser-known rivers of Poland. Yet, it's one of those that haven't been changed and regulated as much as larger and more widely known rivers. It's home to ~30 species of fish (i.e. nase, common barbel, river trout) that provide sufficient diet base for many species of piscivorous birds.
In case of river/water biotope-dependant species, year-round, there can be found many Кряква,, Озерная чайка, Хохотунья, Обыкновенный зимородок, Серая цапля and Большая белая цапля. There is a good chance to see some Лебедь-шипун, Чирок-свистунок, Большой крохаль, Камышница, Лысуха, Малый зуёк, Перевозчик, Сизая чайка, Речная крачка, Орлан-белохвост, Белая трясогузка, Горная трясогузка and Болотная камышевка during spring and summer.
Some species that can be seen time to time or during migrations are: Серый гусь, Чирок-трескунок, Широконоска, Серая утка, Свиязь, Шилохвость, Красноголовый нырок, Белоглазый нырок, Хохлатая чернеть, Гоголь, Малая поганка, Чомга, Водяной пастушок, Чибис, Чернозобик, Бекас, Черныш, Большой улит, Фифи, Травник, Чёрная крачка, Белощекая крачка, Краснозобая гагара, Чернозобая гагара, Чёрный аист, Белый аист, Большой баклан, Волчок, Кваква, Скопа, Обыкновенный ремез and others.
It's worth to note wintering water-assiociated species diversity and numbers, especially in case of Большой крохаль, Гоголь and Лебедь-шипун. Winter is also a great time to seek rare or generally uncommon in the area species, such as Морская чернеть, Луток, Длинноносый крохаль or loons/divers. Often, mixed groups of swans, ducks, grebes and gulls are found. Some predatory species that can be seen during migrations or flying by are: Скопа, Обыкновенный осоед, Малый подорлик, Беркут, Болотный лунь, Полевой лунь, Луговой лунь, Перепелятник (also local), Тетеревятник, Чёрный коршун, Орлан-белохвост (mainly local), Зимняк, Канюк, Пустельга обыкновенная (also local), Кобчик, Чеглок and Сапсан. There are also some local Серая неясыть and Ушастая сова.
Banks are covered by trees in general, although quite "loosely". These woods are home to many species of passerines and other birds, such as: Сизый голубь, Вяхирь, Кольчатая горлица, Обыкновенная кукушка, Средний пёстрый дятел, Большой пёстрый дятел, Малый пёстрый дятел, Седой дятел, Зелёный дятел, Желна, Иволга, Сойка, Сорока, Галка, Серая ворона, Ворон, Московка, Черноголовая гаичка, Пухляк, Лазоревка, Большая синица, Зелёная пересмешка, Пеночка-весничка, Теньковка, Ополовник, Славка-черноголовка, Славка-мельничек, Желтоголовый королёк, Обыкновенный поползень, Обыкновенная пищуха, Короткопалая пищуха, Крапивник, Обыкновенный скворец, Певчий дрозд, Черный дрозд, Рябинник, Серая мухоловка, Зарянка, Домовый воробей, Полевой воробей, Зяблик, Обыкновенный дубонос, Обыкновенная зеленушка, Черноголовый щегол and Европейский вьюрок.
The San River near Sanok is easily accesible from city roads by car, although by foot from the Main Bus/Train Station it's a 20-30 minute walk. There are free car parks near supermarkets (Carrefour, Kaufland), near Rural Architecture Museum of Sanok (there's also a paid one - check first) or near MOSIR Sanok. Main Bus/Train Station can be accessed by buses from many large cities (Warsaw, Cracow, Rzeszów, but also other on long routes) and by trains (mainly from Cracow and Rzeszów).
It's adviced to explore banks of San River by foot - although bike is also an option in this case, even better if you want to scan larger portion of river at once. The river isn't accessible by path in some places - try to follow paths, be careful if going farther - sometimes the terrain can be more muddy/there may be a steep bank part.
There are no species of birds that need to be audio stimulated - please avoid doing so.
Hazards: ticks, muddy terrain, steep bank parts, high water level.
Keep in mind the presence of other people (drivers on roads or car parks, tourists, cyclists, skateboarders, runners, wanderers, dog owners, children, etc.).
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