Rate birdingplace The Lough
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A limestone lake in Cork City known for its wintering Широконоска and rare gulls.
The Lough is a lake in south-west Cork City that holds interesting waterbirds, particularly in the winter months. Широконоска can be easily seen here and at times the numbers can reach national importance. Чирок-свистунок and Хохлатая чернеть are also regular here and occasionally Красноголовый нырок, Серая утка and Шилохвость can be seen. The island on the lake provides an excellent roosting area and hundreds of corvids can be seen arriving in on winter evenings and are often joined by Серая цапля and Малая белая цапля. In recent years, Египетская цапля has also been recorded regularly.
The lake is probably best known for the chance to see rare gulls. Делавэрская чайка and Средиземноморская чайка have been seen most winters, as have Полярная чайка and Черноголовая чайка. Бонапартова чайка and Бургомистр have also been observed here.
In spring and summer, the lake is much quieter but Лысуха breed, as do the feral Серый гусь.
The Lough is located in south-west Cork City. There is a small car park next to the Lough. Click on the P in the map for directions to the car park. Alternatively, the 214 bus stops next to the lake.
The Lough is also well known for its bats. Daubentons, Lesiler's and Long-eared Bats can all be found here on summer evenings.