Rate birdingplace Garbias Island
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The island of Garbias is used as breeding ground by Сизый голубь, Степная пустельга and Галка.
In the mouth of the Gulf of Kalloni, the island of Garbias is located. This uninhabitated island is very rocky and barren, but is used by many birds as resting and breeding area. Large flocks of Средиземноморская чайка and Хохлатый баклан rest on the beaches. The island is used as breeding ground by Сизый голубь, Галка and Степная пустельга, and the birds can be seen flying to and from the island from off the coast of Makara.
The sea around the island is also great for flocks of Левантский буревестник.
The island can be observed from off the coast of Makara by telescope. Park your car at the beach.