Rate birdingplace Donaualtwasser Winzerer Letten
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Largest oxbow lake in Niederbayern. Nice circular walk. Interesting all year round. Best in the months January to May.
Donaualtwasser Winzerer Letten is a beautiful floodplain and meadow landscape along the river Danube. A quiet location with few visitors. The lake is easy to oversee and the birds can be observed from relatively close up. Interesting in winter and during migration times. Among the birds that can be observed are Варакушка, Чирок-свистунок, Серая утка, Свиязь, Зелёный дятел, Большой баклан, Чирок-трескунок, Чибис, Большая белая цапля, Серая цапля, Обыкновенный зимородок and Малая поганка.
Donaualtwasser Winzerer Letten is located opposite the town of Winzer. Access to the area from two sides. One option is via the Donaumühle street. The better option via Winzer-Au, directly at the Danube bridge. You can also park there. Accessible by car or bike. No rail connection. The best way to explore the area is on foot. The circular walk is about 4 km.