
Petite Camargue Alsacienne

Alsace  >  France

This Rhine site is a mosaic of exceptional and remarkably well-preserved environments.

Added* by Martin Grienenberger
Most recent update 12 февраля 2020


Located in the south of the Rhine strip, the first nature reserve in Alsace dates from 1982. Despite the construction of the Grand Canal and landing management, it hosts exceptional environments. In this old braided sector where the Rhine constantly reshaped the landscape, the forest areas succeed the reed beds bordering numerous ponds and dead arms of the Rhine.

The mosaic of wet and dry environments promotes a specific richness: 40 species of dragonflies, 35 species of orthoptera, 12 fish species, 16 amphibians, 5 reptile species, 30 species of mammals and 174 bird species. Flora is composed of 17 sedges, 15 orchids, 4 nationally protected species (Siberian iris, Marguerite de la Saint-Michel), 35 regionally protected species (Epipactis des marais, Oenanthe de Lachenal, Staphylier).

The proposed circuit passes through an area of Rhenish forest where 6 species of woodpeckers are present. Ponds are the kingdom of Лысуха, Хохлатая чернеть, Красноголовый нырок, Чирок-трескунок, Чирок-свистунок, Серый гусь, Волчок, Обыкновенный зимородок. During migration, shorebirds are at ease in the mud flats on the banks : Перевозчик, Бекас, and more rarely Скопа. In winter, Большая выпь and Большая белая цапля are on the lookout. Wet flood meadows and reed beds are home to Чибис, Тростниковая овсянка, herons and Чомга.



On the A35 motorway towards Basel, exit at Bartenheim-la-Chaussée; enter the village then take the RD66 on the right towards Saint-Louis-la-Chaussée. After 3 km, follow the sign "Réserve Naturelle" on the left, walk along the stadiums, cross the Huningue canal and park in the lock house car park. Access to the reserve is indicated.

Terrain and Habitat

Forest , Wetland , Plain , Mud flats , Agriculture , Grassland , Scattered trees and bushes , River , Reedbeds


Flat , Wet , Slippery , High water possible

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

All year round

Best time to visit

Spring migration , Autumn migration , Spring , Winter


Unpaved road , Wide path , Narrow trail

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle , Wheelchair

Birdwatching hide / platform



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