
La Brenne - Observatoire de l'étang de la Sous

Indre  >  France

A 32 hectare lake dotted with water lilies and surrounded by reeds. From the bird hide many species of birds can be observed.

Added* by Clerval
Most recent update 12 февраля 2024


Observatoire de l'étang de la Sous is a nice observatory on the lakeside. The large hide offers a view of one of the Brenne’s most beautiful lakes. The lake attracts birds all year round. In spring Рыжая цапля occur alongside Волчок. In the reeds you can also find Дроздовидная камышевка. On the open water you can see Белощекая крачка and Черношейная поганка. Among the other birds you can observe around the lake are Широконоска, Чирок-свистунок, Красноносый нырок, Чирок-трескунок, Малая поганка, Водяной пастушок, Золотистая ржанка, Чибис and Серый журавль.

In winter Большая выпь comes to feed on its shallow waters, and overwintering ducks like Свиязь are attracted by the large area of open water.


Français: Etang de 32 ha, émaillé de nénuphars et ceinturé de roseaux. Nombreuses espèces d'oiseaux. Aire de stationnement de l'observatoire des Essarts. Héron pourpré, aigrette garzette, grande aigrette, grèbe huppé, grèbe à cou noir, grèbe castagneux, canard Milouin, canard Morillon, canard Chipeau, Nette Rousse, canard pilet, canard souchet, sarcelle d'hiver, sarcelle d'été, becassine des Marais, vaneau huppé, grue cendrée, grand cormoran.



From the D17, take the D44 towards St-Michel-en-Brenne, parking area of the Essarts observatory on the right. Click on the P in the map for directions. From to parking it is a 200m walk to the observatory.


Français: Depuis la D17, prendre la D44 en direction de St-Michel-en-Brenne, aire de stationnement de l'observatoire des Essarts sur la droite. L'observatoire est ouvert au public toute l'année. Cliquez sur le P sur la carte pour obtenir un itinéraire. Du parking, il faut 200 m à pied pour rejoindre l'observatoire.

Terrain and Habitat

Wetland , Reedbeds


Flat , Wet

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

All year round

Best time to visit

Autumn , Autumn migration , Spring migration


Wide path

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle , Car , Wheelchair

Birdwatching hide / platform


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