
Särkkäniemi Nature Reserve

Uusimaa  >  Finland

Nature reserve by a sea shore that's part of Uutela park.

Added* by Johanna Jouppila
Most recent update 18 декабря 2021


Särkkäniemi Nature Reserve is a great spot for seeing waterfowl all around the year. Лебедь-шипун family can be seen around the area on a daily basis and Большой крохаль and Кряква are common sightings as well. Гоголь , Длинноносый крохаль , Хохлатая чернеть , Чомга , Белощекая казарка , Лебедь-кликун , Широконоска and Обыкновенная гага are common birds especially during the warmer months. Серая цапля likes to stop by the rocky points of the shore and Большой баклан often dries its wings by the point too.

During shorebird migration season it's possible to see birds like Чернозобик forage for food in small groups by the rocky shores. The calls of Фифи , Кулик-сорока and Перевозчик are familiar sounds in the area during summer too. The lagoon bays provide shelter to shore birds and ducklings and are also great places to spot frogs in spring time. Пеночка-весничка , Желтоголовый королёк , Теньковка , Зяблик , Обыкновенная зеленушка , Пеночка-трещотка , Зарянка and sometimes Малая мухоловка can be heard singing in the coastal meadow areas. During autumn migration some birders have heard the sounds of Усатая синица among the reeds too. The views to the sea open the possibility to see even wider variety of birds flying by from the more common Речная крачка , Полярная крачка , Сизая чайка and Озерная чайка to Чеграва and Орлан-белохвост. It's also possible to come across roe deer, grass snakes and lizards in the area.



The place is best explored by walking. It is possible to cycle there and there's a parking place close by next to a dog park.

Terrain and Habitat

Forest , Sea , Beach


Rocky , Sandy , High water possible , Wet , Slippery

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

Spring , Autumn , Summer

Best time to visit

Summer , Spring , Autumn migration , Autumn , Spring migration


Unpaved road , Narrow trail , Wide path

Difficulty walking trail

Average walk

Accessible by


Birdwatching hide / platform


Extra info

Rain and the raising of the water level can sometimes make parts of the paths muddy and slippery. The area's duckboards can also float if the water level is high so it's good to pay attention to one's feet when visiting and wear shoes suitable for muddy areas if it has been raining recently.


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