
Westerplas St-Martens-Latem

Flanders  >  Belgium

The Westerplas is a controlled flooding area, and birding depends on water level. It is especially good during spring migration with waders and other migrants.

Added* by Bastiaan
Most recent update 12 февраля 2020


As a controlled flooding area, constructed as compensation for some new developments, the Westerplas features a seasonal wetland with open water, reed, mudflads, ... You have nice viewing opportunities from the trail around the wetland. It attracts some wintering ducks, but the highlight is spring migration when waders (like Большой улит, Фифи, Травник, Малый зуёк, Ходулочник, Большой веретенник...) and ducks (it is a reliable site for Чирок-трескунок) stop at this site. Also other migrants might be seen off course (like Деревенская ласточка, Воронок, Чёрный стриж,Жёлтая трясогузка, ,Белозобый дрозд). During summer and fall the site is often dry with few birds around.



From the parking (See the map) you have easy acces. There is a circular trail possible but birding is along the wetland, which is only a very small part of the circular trail.

Terrain and Habitat

Wetland , Lake , Mud flats , Agriculture



Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

Spring , Winter

Best time to visit

Spring migration


Wide path , Unpaved road

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle , Wheelchair

Birdwatching hide / platform



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