Rate birdingplace Vogelzangbeek
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This small nature reserve of 13 hectares in Brussels is a nice place for birding.
The Vogelzangbeek nature reserve is one of the last parts of the marsh zone in Brussels. Quite a few different types of birds live there. From Перепелятник to Камышница. The Vogelzangbeek, which flows through the area, also offers opportunities for birds. There are also ponds, orchards, pollard willows, hedges, meadows and reed beds in the area. The large meadow is the preferred hunting ground for Пустельга обыкновенная. The Серая цапля and the Большой пёстрый дятел also can be seen and in the reeds the Болотная камышевка can be spotted. Other birds you can see here are Канюк, Черноголовый щегол, Славка-черноголовка and Зелёный дятел.
You can walk along the stream of the Vogelzangbeek and walk around the meadows. The route you see on the map below is about ??? km