
Lake Kinkajmskie

Warmińsko-Mazurskie  >  Poland

Jezioro Kinkajmskie is an overgrown, relatively shallow, fish lake that attracts many birds. The lake covers an area of 152 hectares.

Added* by Marek Bebłot
Most recent update 23 decembrie 2021
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Lake Kinkajmskie is very good for birdwatching during autumn and spring migration. The surrounding fields are also interesting, where you can observe Becațină comună and Ploier auriu during the autumn migration. Among the other birds you can see are Gâscă de vară, Gârliță mare, Tundra Bean Goose, Gâscă călugăriță, Lebădă de iarnă, Rață cârâitoare, Rață pestriță, Rață sulițar, Rață mică, Rață cu cap castaniu, Rață moțată ,Rață cu cap negru, Rață sunătoare ,Ferestraș mic, Potârniche ,Corcodel mic, Cristel de câmp, Cârstel de baltă, Cocor, Nagâț, Culic mare, Becațină mică, Pescăruș mic, Chirighiță neagră, Chirighiță cu aripi albe, Chirighiță cu obraz alb, Chiră de baltă, Buhai de baltă, Stârc pitic, Egretă mare, Erete de stuf, Erete vânăt, Erete sur and Codalb.



You can get to virtually any place near the lake by car. The area is easily accessible by roads, but best explored on foot.

Terrain and Habitat

Forest , Wetland , Grassland , Lake , Beach , Mud flats , Reedbeds , Agriculture


Mountainous , Open landscape

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?


Good birding season

Spring , Autumn

Best time to visit

Summer , Spring migration


Wide path

Difficulty walking trail

Average walk

Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle , Car

Birdwatching hide / platform


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