
Falaises de la Vézère

Nouvelle-Aquitaine  >  France

Beautiful limestone cliffs that are favored by rock species. Good area for birding and hiking.

Added* by Couzi
Most recent update 27 iunie 2020
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The Falaises de la Vézère are the beautiful limestone cliffs that run along the river from Sergeac and Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère to Limeuil. These cliffs, up to a hundred meters high, harbor many birds. The Grand Roc limestone cliff is an ideal site to observe Fluturaș de stâncă in winter. In spring, it is the kingdom of the Șoim călător. Next to the birds these cliffs also bear the traces of an exceptional prehistoric and historical human occupation (prehistoric shelters, cave dwellings of the Middle Ages).


Français: Falaise du Grand Roc. Abrupt calcaire très propices aux espèces rupestres. En hiver, c'est un site idéal pour observer le Tichodrome échelette. Au printemps, c'est le royaume du Faucon pèlerin.



You can park at the foot of the Grand Roc cliff. See the P on the map. The surrounding area is also great for hiking. A nice walk is the 10 km Boucle de Gorge d'Enfer (Hells Gorge Trail) which starts a little further on. The Boucle de Gorge d'Enfer trail is shown on the map.


Français: Voiture obligatoire, avec un parking au pied de la falaise.

Terrain and Habitat



Dry , Flat , Rocky

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?


Good birding season

All year round

Best time to visit

Winter , Spring


Paved road

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Car , Bicycle , Wheelchair

Birdwatching hide / platform


Extra info

Several couples of Șoim călător are nesting in the holes of the limestone cliff. Reintroduced in the 80s, this species nearly disappeared because of pesticides, hunting, certain outdoor activities which disturb birds, or other raptors. The volunteers of LPO (BirdLife in France) are surveying the nesting and reproduction of these birds.


Français: Réintroduite dans les années 80, cette espèce de rapace a failli disparaître, victime à la fois des pesticides, de la chasse, de certaines activités de pleine nature qui dérangent les oiseaux voire d’autres rapaces. Les bénévoles de la LPO (Ligue Protectrice des Oiseaux) surveillent en particulier la nidification et la reproduction de ces oiseaux.

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