Rate birdingplace El Gouna Fish Farm
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A green and tranquil location with mangroves, ponds and great birdlife.
The Fish Farm was established over 30 years ago to process the brackish water from the nearby water desalination plant. With plenty of fish in the ponds it attracts many waders, and kingfishers and regular visits from Uligan pescar. Among the other birds you can observe are Pescăraș pestriț, Pescăraș albastru, Stârc cenușiu, Egretă de recif, Egretă mică, Stârc de mangrove, Stârc galben, Vrabie de casă, Pitulice mică, Pescăriță mare, Stârc de cireadă, Turturică africană, Pasăre-nectar de Nil, Frunzăriță cenușie and Gușă vânătă.
Parking is around the back taking the industrial road and turning left before the water desalination plant. Entrance fee is 150 EGP and only open to El Gouna guests or residents. Plenty of shade and seating areas and BBQs. Bring water. Toilets.
2025 - activities for children are being constructed at this location. One is a wooden platform walk at tree level. Not sure of entrance fee costs yet. Only open to guests staying or living in El Gouna.