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Eticuera is a relatively flat area along the North shore of Lake Berryessa with hills to the south west, offering opportunities to see a variety of birds.
Eticuera is an easy place to stretch your legs and see tons of different birds. The short bushes and grasses are home to Western Meadowlarks, as well as various types of sparrows, wrens, warblers, and finches. A short walk to the waters edge will give you access to a wide variety of waterfowl that visit the lake as well as an opportunity to see Osprey and Bald Eagles catching fresh fish.
From Napa, Ca head out west on Monticello Rd/Hwy 121 to Capell Valley Rd/Hwy 128. Continue north on Capell Valley Rd until you reach Berryessa Knoxville Rd and turn north. Follow Berryessa Knoxville Rd for about 18 miles and you will find the parking lot on the right hand side of the road.
The parking lot has 20+ parking spots (several disabled parking spaces as well). Beside the parking lot you can find a few picnic tables under a cover for shade/rain protection.
The area is best explored on foot and a kayak/canoe could be useful to launch at the waters edge.
There is a vaulted restroom at the parking lot along with trash/recycling cans to dispose of any refuse.
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