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Towan Head is a headland that is a good sea-watching point. Seabird passage can involve thousands of birds in winter.
Towan Head is a headland one mile west of Newquay on the north coast of Cornwall. It is at the western end of Newquay Bay. The headland points north and this makes Towan Head a local sea-watching hotspot. Winter gales can produce a large westerly seabird passage which can involve thousands of Ganso-patola, Torda-mergulheira and Gaivota-tridáctila accompanied by rarer species like Falaropo-de-bico-grosso, Torda-anã, Papagaio-do-mar and Pardela do Mediterrâneo. Eider-edredão, Pato-preto and Pato-de-cauda-afilada maybe encountered sheltering in the calmer waters to the North of Towan Head. All species of divers may also be seen. Pilrito-escuro and Rabirruivo-preto are also winter visitors to the headland.
The Towan headland is easy accessible. There is a parking close to the headland and you can easily walk from there. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking place. On the headland is a small white building (coastguard lookout) where you can find some shelter from the wind. There are some benches around it.
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