
Titchwell Marsh Nature Reserve

Norfolk  >  United Kingdom

A very diverse nature reserve with reedbeds, saltmarshes and freshwater lagoons; ideal habitat for many species of bird.

Adicionado* por Bas Engels
Ultima atualização 26 fevereiro 2024


Titchwell Marsh Nature Reserve is located between the villages of Titchwell and Thornham in the northern part of Norfolk. There are many types of habitat located in this reserve which makes it a beautiful place for birders to watch many species of shorebird and songbird all year long.

The area consists of four major areas: Titchwell Woodlands, Titchwell Lagoons, Titchwell Marshes and Titchwell Beach.

The woodlands near the parking lot and the visitors center are great for many species of songbird. In summer, these woodland are packed with species, like Toutinegra-de-barrette-preto, Felosa-das-figueiras, Felosa-comum, Felosa-musical and many more. There are multiple feeding stations on which these beautiful birds can be easily observed. In winter, the woodland area is a great place for wintering finches and thrushes, like Pintarroxo-de-queixo-preto, Tentilhão-montês and Dom-fafe.

After the woodland area, the marshlands make way for extensive reedbeds and freshwater ponds. These parts are great for Chapim-de-bigode, Abetouro-comum, Tartaranhão-ruivo-dos-pauis and Frango-d'água. The small ponds are also great for Mergulhão-pequeno and small numbers of ducks, like Marrequinha-comum. Several larger waterbodies are located between these marshlands and the freshwater lagoons. Here, many species of goose and duck can be found, like Pato-de-bico-vermelho, Pato-trombeteiro, Arrabio and Marrequinha-comum.

The freshwater lagoon is probably the best part of the nature reserve. The first lagoon has two birdhides and provide a great view on the mudflats. These mudflats can be jam-packed full of birds, being mainly waders and ducks and especially during high tide. Large numbers of Tarambola-dourada, Fuselo, Seixoeira, Pilrito-comum, Alfaiate and many more can be seen here. This is also a great spot for scarcer species, like Pilrito-de-bico-comprido, Tarambola-cinzenta and Maçarico-bastardo. In summer, roosting Garajau-comum can be observed here too. The edges of the lagoon are covered with reedbeds. Species like Frango-d'água and Alvéola-cinzenta can be seen foraging here.

To the West, you'll have a great view over extensive salt marshes. These are a great habitat for species like Ganso-de-faces-negras, Ganso-de-bico-curto and Garça-branca-pequena. Small puddles are visible from the path and are great for waders too. With a bit of luck, a coruja-da-igreja / coruja-das-torres might show itself.

The beach is a great place to observe seabirds. Small flocks of Pato-preto can be seen in a distance. Other species like Merganso-de-poupa and Eider-edredão will be visible too. Terns, like Garajau-comum and Andorinha-do-mar-comum can be seen foraging near the coast.



The area is easy accessable and many pathways lead to the best areas of the nature reserve. There is a large parking lot in front of the reserve and a visitor center provides you with all the information needed. You'll have to buy a parking ticket at the parking lot or the visitor center.

Terreno e Habitat

Floresta , Terras húmidas , Lago , Mar , Dunas , Praia , Lamaçais , Camas de junco



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