
The Gann

Pembrokeshire  >  United Kingdom

Shoreline and bay by the mouth of the Gann Pill where a variety of waders, gulls and wildfowl can be seen.

Adicionado* por Toby
Ultima atualização 21 novembro 2020


The area of the Gann estuary encompasses the shoreline and bay by the mouth of the Gann Pill (small river) and the Pickleridge Pools that lie just behind the sea wall. At the pools you can see birds like Pato-branco and Garça-branca-pequena. Also ducks like Pato-olho-d'ouro, Piadeira and Marrequinha-comum and sometimes Merganso-de-poupa, Guarda-rios-comum and Frango-d'água. During migration many species of waders can be seen here too when it's high tide. The Gann and bay is the place for flocks of Ganso-de-faces-negras in winter, as well as small numbers of divers and grebes. Also gulls roost here and terns can be seen on migration.



To view the pools and walk along the sea wall towards the Pill, park just north of Dale by the sea wall. Click on the P in the map to get directions.

Terreno e Habitat

Lago , Praia , Dunas


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