
Slimbridge Wetland Centre

Gloucestershire  >  United Kingdom

Slimbridge Wetland Centre is on the East shore of the River Severn Estuary in Gloucestershire.

Adicionado* por Baz Willmott
Ultima atualização 17 abril 2023


Slimbridge Wetland Centre (Slimbridge WWT) was set up in November 1946, by renowned naturalist, artist and broadcaster Sir Peter Scott, who went on to form The Wildfowl and Wetland Trust, that today has numerous other reserves throughout the United Kingdom. Slimbridge WWT comprises of 2000 acres of lagoon, reedbeds, salt marsh and pasture land beside the River Severn Estuary. As well as having the world's largest collection of 'captive' wildfowl, it is heavily involved in research projects in the UK/overseas and captive breeding programmes of endangered species, more recently it has been involved in 'headstarting' Maçarico-real and Grou-comum.

Some species (depending on season) you can expect to see are Ganso-grande-de-testa-branca, Cisne-pequeno, Colhereiro, Alfaiate, Frango-d'água, Maçarico-bastardo and Pássaro-bique-bique. There are probably more hides at this site than any other reserve of the same size and new for the reserves 75 anniversary the Holden Hide overlooking the estuary has been completely rebuilt, that includes a lift for the less able, other areas have had further work done to 'build' scrapes and islands, further improving the area for birds. For admission charge and latest bird sightings go to wwt.org.uk (see the link below).



The M5 motorway (just to the East) runs between Bristol and Gloucester. Come off this motorway at Junction 13 or 14 and follow 'Brown Duck Signs' to the reserve. On arrival there is a very large free car park. The centre is open between 09.30 and 17.30hrs (last admission 16.30hrs) and is open every day except Christmas Day.

Terreno e Habitat

Árvores e arbustos dispersos , Campina , Rio , Mar , Camas de junco , Agricultura , Lamaçais , Praia , Lago , Terras húmidas


Plano , Pantanoso , Escorregadio , Paisagem aberta , Sem sombra

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?


Boa temporada de observação de aves

Durante todo o ano

Melhor hora para visitar

Inverno , Migração da primavera , Migração de outono , Outono , Primavera


Estrada pavimentada , Caminho largo , Caminho estreito

Caminho dificil


Acessível por

Pé , Bicicleta , Carro , Cadeira de rodas

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


Informação extra

BE AWARE, THE MAP SHOWS THE BEST WALKING ROUTE TO HIDES FOR WILD BIRDS. As well as the more regular species seen each year, you may see Ganso-campestre, Ganso-pequeno-de-testa-branca, Cisne-bravo. Be sure to catch the daily Cisne-pequeno feeding, with live commentary, from the peng observatory during the winter month afternoons (see star on map). BE AWARE, the pathway from the Holden Tower hide to the estuary is SUMMER ONLY (SEE STAR ON MAP). For Estorninho-malhado 'murmuration' good views can be had from the 'tall' Sloane Observatory Tower at the visitor centre.


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