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The River Idle Washlands are particularly good for waders during the spring and autumn passage, depending on the water levels.
Waders like Tarambola-dourada, Abibe-comum and Narceja-comum occurred regularly in impressive gatherings, with Pilrito-comum and Perna-vermelha-comum in smaller but significant numbers. At times a Tartaranhão-azulado, Esmerilhão or Coruja-do-nabal hunted the valley. When flooding persisted or reoccurred beyond the winter months the waters invariably many passage migrants of which ducks, gulls, waders, and hirundines were the most numerous. More unusual visitors to the valley include Mergulhão-de-pescoço-ruivo, Águia-pesqueira, Petinha de Richard and Escrevedeira da Lapónia. During the 20 years to 1980, 78 species are known to have bred and a further 6 may have done so. It is truly regrettable during the present decade; increased drainage efficiency has greatly diminished the ornithological significance of the area. Hopefully with Hanson’s Restoration plans for Slaynes lane and with the increased involvement of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, along with careful water level management, this part of the Valley can be restored to its former glory.
The bridleway is accessed from either the end of Hagg Lane in Newington or off West Street in Misson. Along Slaynes lane is an area of farm land and extensive sand quarry workings.
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