
Dunwich Heath and Beach

Suffolk  >  United Kingdom

National Trust property adjoining Minsmere. Acid heath with heather, gorse and woodland. Shingle beach and low sand and clay cliffs.

Adicionado* por Iain Crawford
Ultima atualização 21 novembro 2022


Dunwich Heath and Beach is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The area has a great diversity of wildlife with red deer, muntjac deer, antlions, common lizard, slow worm, adder and grass snake. 217 bird species have been seen. In heathland you can see birds such as Felosa-do-mato, Cartaxo-comum, Rola-comum, Petinha-das-árvores, Codorniz, Pombo-torcaz, falcão-peregrino, Ógea and Noitibó da Europa. On the beach or at sea you can spot Cisne-bravo, Cisne-pequeno, Pato-preto, Merganso-de-poupa, Mergulhão-de-pescoço-ruivo, waders and egrets.

Autumn rarities seen most years: Toutinegra-gavião, Papa-moscas-pequeno, Pintarroxo-de-bico-amarelo and Escrevedeira-das-neves.



From the A12 Ipswich-Yarmouth road, turn east at crossroads 2 miles south of Blythburgh. Dunwich village is 4 miles ahead and the reserve car park a further 2 miles south along minor road and track. Nearest train station at Yoxford 6 miles away. The circular walking route through the heathland indicated on the map is about 3,5 km.

Terreno e Habitat

Árvores e arbustos dispersos , Zonas húmidas , Mar , Desfiladeiro/precipício , Dunas , Praia


Plano , Arenoso , Paisagem aberta , Seco

Caminho circular


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Primavera , Outono

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Primavera , Migração de outono


Caminho largo

Caminho dificil

Caminhada média

Acessível por

Pé , Bicicleta

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