
Druridge Bay Country Park

Northumberland  >  United Kingdom

A deep lake reclaimed from a former opencast mine, home to everything from a resident herd of swans to birds like Pato-olho-d'ouro.

Adicionado* por Abe Black
Ultima atualização 21 dezembro 2024
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Druridge Bay Country Park features a variety of landscapes, including a large freshwater lake, woodlands, meadows, and three miles of beaches and sand dunes. The park has excellent facilities with a visitor centre, toilets, a small café and parking. Visitors can enjoy a relaxing walk around the lake (2.5 km), or along the adjacent coastline.

Species to watch for include Guarda-rios-comum , chapim-montês and visiting Pato-de-cauda-afilada, divers and grebes, Cisne-bravo and Zarro-bastardo and flocks of geese during the winter. Once a prime location for Merganso-pequeno, the site remains a favourite with wildfowl all year round. The pine and larch plantations around the lake can attract Lugre, Pintarroxo-de-queixo-preto, and Cruza-bico-comum, as well as Pintassilgo and Dom-fafe.

From the sand dunes, scan the sea for seabirds, including gannets, auks, terns, divers, and seaduck. In spring and summer, listen for Felosa-malhada singing in the dune slacks.



Druridge Bay Country Park lies just off the A1068, just three miles from Amble, providing easy access from Newcastle and south-east Northumberland (Red Row, Northumberland, NE61 5BX). There are three car parks in the park, the largest of which is found at the far end of the access road, adjacent to the visitor centre. Press a P on the map for directions to a car park. The following car parking charges apply: first hour - free (please still display a ticket); up to two hours - £2.50; over two hours - £4.50.

Parking is free for Blue Badge holders, this is the case whether parked in a disabled bay or not, so remember to display your Blue Badge if you have one. The park gates are open during daylight hours. Please ensure that your vehicle is removed from the car park by the closing time stated on the car park notices. Public Transport: the nearby village of Hadston is well-connected by public transport. Take the X20 bus from Newcastle or Alnwick; or the X18 bus from Morpeth. Find out about bus services to the area by visiting Arriva North East.

The park is also on the Northumberland 'Coast and Castles' Cycle Route.

Terreno e Habitat

Floresta , Terras húmidas , Rio , Lago , Campina , Árvores e arbustos dispersos , Camas de junco , Dunas , Mar , Parque , Praia


Plano , Paisagem aberta , Pantanoso

Caminho circular


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Inverno , Migração de outono


Estrada pavimentada , Caminho largo , Caminho estreito , Estrada não pavimentada

Caminho dificil

Caminhada média

Acessível por

Pé , Bicicleta , Carro , Barco , Cadeira de rodas

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