
Conder Green

Lancashire  >  United Kingdom

Estuarine birding site by the River Lune, good for waders and wildfowl.

Adicionado* por Josh Hedley
Ultima atualização 27 dezembro 2022
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Conder Green is at the mouth of the River Conder where it flows out into the River Lune. It is just a short drive away from Lancaster and can be combined with other nearby sites such as Glasson, Cockersands, Pilling or Aldcliffe. The site has a good track record for wader species and waterfowl, with recent rarities and scarcities including Pilrito de Temminck, Perna-vermelha-escuro, Maçarico-bastardo, Green-winged Teal, Pato-de-cauda-afilada and Coruja-do-nabal.



The pool is easily accessible from a layby off the A588. There is another car park which can be used for viewing the estuary and walking or cycling along the estuary path. Click on a P in the map for directions. Three sides of the square making the circular walk are on the roadside, with the northern side being a cycle path. CAUTION: The southern and western sides of the walk require walking along a fairly busy road and care should be taken. The layby at Conder Pool and the road to the south of it is liable to flooding during spring tide events.

Terreno e Habitat

Terras húmidas , Lamaçais , Rio


Paisagem aberta , Possível na maré cheia , Plano

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?

Pode ser útil

Boa temporada de observação de aves

Inverno , Primavera , Outono

Melhor hora para visitar

Migração de outono , Migração da primavera , Primavera , Inverno , Outono


Estrada pavimentada , Estrada não pavimentada

Caminho dificil


Acessível por

Pé , Carro , Bicicleta , Cadeira de rodas

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


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