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Bredon Hill is a limestone outlier of the Cotswold some 4.8 km long and 293 m high in the south of the county.
Bredon Hill's height and relative isolation makes it a beacon for migrating birds. Alongside this Bredon Hill as a wide range of habitats from Orchards to Woodlands to Farmland resulting in a range of scarce breeding birds. During the winter it can become a hostile and exposed site especially around the submit. However, some birds do choose to winter here especially on the sheltered slopes. Resident species that remain during the winter include Chapim-palustre, Cartaxo-comum, Milhafre-real and Trepadeira-azul. Other species including Tentilhão-montês, Cruza-bico-comum, Tordo-zornal and Tordo-ruivo-comum can also be found in number during the winter. Rarer species that have visited duirng this time include Coruja-do-nabal, Esmerilhão, Tartaranhão-azulado and Picanço-grande .
As it gets towards the end of March and the start of April the first spring migrants arrive starting with Chasco-cinzento. Bredon Hill offers one of the best and most reliable places in the area for Melro-de-peito-branco with double figures most years. Other scarcer migrant species include Cartaxo-nortenho, Rabirruivo-preto and Papa-moscas-preto. Bredon Hill also is one of the best locations for Borrelho-ruivo though these aren't annual. Spring rarities have included Tartaranhão-caçador, Alcaravão, Codorniz and Milhafre-preto.
Breeding species that arrive in the spring include Rabirruivo-de-testa-branca, Petinha-das-árvores, Felosa-das-figueiras and Papa-moscas-cinzento. Other common breeders include Escrevedeira-amarela, Petinha-dos-prados and Laverca. The autumn migration is much like the Spring and again Melro-de-peito-brancos are the target for most. Rarer species recorded in the autumn include Bico-grossudo, Escrevedeira-das-neves and even a Chasco-de-peito-preto!
The hill is covered in footpaths that cover almost every part. However, these paths are steep in most places and can be very muddy. Parking can be acheived in any of the villages that surround the hill with Elmey Castle outside the church normally the favoured parking spot for many. The whole area is worth visiting with good habitat dotted around the hill however, the summit and Northern slopes are normally the favoured loaction for migrant species. The indicated circular route on the map is about 10 km long.
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