
Wasserscheide - Gantrisch

Canton of Bern  >  Switzerland

An easily accessible place to find some sought after Alpine species and one of the top spots for Autumn migration in Switzerland.

Adicionado* por Mark Snethlage
Ultima atualização 17 janeiro 2021


Wasserscheide and its surrounding mountain forests and Alpine meadows are located within the Gantrisch/Gurnigel IBA. The area is easily accessible by car and public transport. There are some amenities (hotel, restaurant) and a network of well-marked hiking paths. The area is home to some Alpine species such as Verdilhão-serrano , Águia-real , Galo-lira , Trepadeira-dos-muros , Pica-pau-tridáctilo , Lagópode-branco , and Melro-das-rochas. In recent years, in summer, observations of vultures, in particular Grifo-comum have become more common.

Wasserscheide is also one of the Swiss hot spots for the observation of autumn migration (roughly between 15 August and 15 October). During late summer considerable passage of Milhafre-preto and Bútio-vespeiro can occur. This is followed in late August / early September by migration of Abelharuco-comum. September sees good passage of Gavião da Europa , Águia-pesqueira and Tartaranhão-ruivo-dos-pauis , and some insectivorous passerines stopping over, including Papa-moscas-preto , Rabirruivo-de-testa-branca , Cartaxo-nortenho. October is the month of mass migration of passerines including Tentilhão-comum , Bico-grossudo and Petinha-dos-prados.



Access to this alpine hot spot is quite easy by car and public transport. There are several car parking places on the Gurnigel Pass (paying) where there is also a stop of Postauto 323 from Riggisberg or Schwarzenburg. The route you see on the map is 8,5 km long.

Terreno e Habitat

Floresta , Montanha , Zonas húmidas



Caminho circular


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Boa temporada de observação de aves

Primavera , Outono , Verão

Melhor hora para visitar

Primavera , Migração de outono , Verão


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Caminho dificil


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